Sunday, November 22, 2009


Today, some good friends and family joined together to help organize my jumbled thoughts with the candle lighting event.  What a wonderful group of people.  Together, we delegated, organized and committed to making this a great event not only in Tony's memory but for all families who have suffered the most horrific loss a family can endure.
I received more donations and spent the weekend posting flyers to get the message out to those who may benefit from this event. It was hard to go to destinations where my son was know and ask them to hang up a flyer for this celebration, but it was also nice to reconnect with his friends.
Sometimes, these things seem harder that the good that may come from it, but after the pain passes and you realize what you are doing is a good thing that has the possibility of not only helping yourself and your family but others who you have yet to meet, your heart starts to smile again.

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