Thursday, November 26, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving

Although the holidays are the most difficult time of the year to be missing our loved ones, we must remember to be thankful for the time we spent with them, the love we shared and the memories we have created.  Through your life, try to ask yourself what your loved one had taught you while he was her and carry that message in your heart.  It may hvae been "to relax mom" or to tolerate others for who they were, to live life to the fullest.  Whatever you have learned from that person, do no t let it go to waste.  Cherish it and your memories and be thankful for them.

I would  like to thank all the beautiful volunteers who have jumped in to help me organize this event.  I also want to thank all the generous people and companies for their donations.  The outpouring has overwhelmed me and given one more thing to be thankful for.

Happy Thanksgiving and may your memories get you through the day!

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