Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Candlelighting 2010

It is that time of year again.  Time to begin planning the beautiful candle lighting service held each year to celebrate the lives of our loved ones.  If you attended last year event, although the circumstances which brought you to the event  are none that we should ever have to endure, we were still glad that you found your way and hopefully a bit of peace.

I also want to again thank all those who helped put the evening together, from emotional support to donations of goods and financial support.  It would not have been possible without you.

The night will include candle lighting, music, a video remembrance of all families attending, stories, a reading of the names, reading of writings from anyone who would like to participate.  We will have available free pamphlets concerning the grief process, I remember bracelets and the worldwide candle button as a memento from the evening. Light refreshments will be served indoors after the ceremony.  Join us in a beautiful remembrance of our loved ones who may have left us but remain a vivid memory and will live in our hearts forever.

I have secured the same venue for this year.  The Trumbull Town gazebo weather permitting at 5866 Main Street in Trumbull.  In case of inclement weather the evening will be moved indoors to the council chambers.  Let's hope for a beautiful starry night!

I would also like to include a few more readings and maybe a live performance of a special song.  A slide show of all our angels will be shown.  If you would like your child included please email a good quality photo to compassionatefriends.bptct@gmail.com along with your child's name and dates and maybe a quote about him/her if you choose.

If anyone would like to help organize this event, or know of someone willing to donate some food or refreshments, printing services, time, ect, please pass along this information or contact me at  compassionatefriends.bptct@gmail.com  Last year I was able to donate $300 to the National Chapter from donations.

Check back often as things become closer I will be posting updates.  You can also follow us on facebook @http://www.facebook.com/pages/The-Compassionate-Friends-Bridgeport-Chapter/151062864920997?ref=ts

May you find peace and comfort in your memories.

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